
Performance Board

대학원생 논문 실적 (3차년도_2022년)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 23-02-14 18:19


대학원생 논문 실적


[연번], [논문제목], [학술지명], [게재년월], [, ], [역할]


[1], [Synthesis of 1-(5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-2-morpholinoethane-1,2-dione Analogues and their Inhibitory Activities with Reduced Cytotoxicity in Lipopolysacchari], [BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS], [202301], [79, 129061], [공동저자]

[2], [α-Synuclein upregulates bim-mediated apoptosis by negatively regulating endogenous GCN5], [Aging], [202210], [14(20), 8292], [주저자]

[3], [Neuroprotective Effects of Black Pepper and Its Bioactive Compounds in Age-Related Neurological Disorders], [AGING AND DISEASE], [202210], [공동저자]

[4], [Dioscin-Mediated Autophagy Alleviates MPP+-Induced Neuronal Degeneration: An In Vitro Parkinson's Disease Model], [MOLECULES], [202204], [27(9)], [주저자, 공동저자]

[5], [Group I mGluRs in Therapy and Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease: Focus on mGluR5 Subtype], [Biomedicines], [202204], [10(4), 864], [주저자, 공동저자]

[6], [Isolation, Structure Determination, and Semisynthesis of Diphenazine Compounds from a Deep-Sea-Derived Strain of the Fungus Cystobasidium laryngis and Their Biological Activities], [Journal of Natural Products], [202204], [85(4), 857-865], [공동저자]

[7], [Dioscorea nipponica Makino Rhizome Extract and Its Active Compound Dioscin Protect against Neuroinflammation and Scopolamine-Induced Memory Deficits], [International Journal of Molecular Sciences], [202207], [23(17), 9923], [주저자, 공동저자]

[8], [Cypress tree (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Bark extract inhibits melanogenesis through repressing CREB and MITF signalling pathways in α-MSH-stimulated B16F10 cells], [Food and Agricultural Immunology], [202207], [33(1), 498], [공동저자]

[9], [The Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Fermented Curcuma That Contains Butyrate Mitigate DSS-Induced Colitis in Mice], [Molecules], [202208], [27(15), 4745], [주저자, 공동저자]

[10], [Quercetin Is An Active Agent in Berries against Neurodegenerative Diseases progression through Modulation of Nrf2/HO1], [Nutrients], [202212], [14(23), 5132],[주저자]

[11], [10-mer and 9-merWALK peptides with both antibacterial and anti-Inflammatory activities], [Antibiotics-Basel], [202211], [11(11), 1588], [공동저자]

[12], [Polygonum cuspidatum Extract (Pc-Ex) Containing Emodin Suppresses Lung Cancer-Induced Cachexia by Suppressing TCF4/TWIST1 Complex-Induced PTHrP Expression], [Nutrients], [202204], [14(7), 1508], [공동저자]

[13], [PGC1α Cooperates with FOXA1 to Regulate Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition through the TCF4-TWIST1], [International journal of molecular sciences], [202207], [23(15), 8247], [공동저자]

[14], [Peptide-Based Bioconjugates and Therapeutics for Targeted Anticancer Therapy], [Pharmaceutics], [202207], [149(7), 1378], [공동저자]

[15], [Lactobacillus gasseri MG4247 and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei MG4272 and MG4577 Modulate Allergic Inflammatory Response in RAW 264.7 and RBL2H3 cells], [Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins], [202205] , [1], [공동저자]

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